August 31, 2015 9:31 pm Published by
Thanks to the hard work of our first executive board, we were able to grow the chapter during this year to 23 strong members – graduate and undergraduates!!
We were also honored to meet with Dr Edward Yokley, Chief Scientist, StormRider Technologies Inc., when he guest lectured as part of the Chemistry Department’s Horizons in Chemistry Series. Here is what Dr. Kenneth Miller, IU alum with SABIC Innovative Plastics wrote about the series in the Chemistry alumni journal (Vol 53, Fall 2008): IU Chemistry introduced a new seminar series in Spring 2007 that is targeted at providing students with an expanded perspective on research done outside of a university environment and a look at the many career paths available to chemists.
Our chapter finally got assigned an office Chemistry 702 thanks to Dr. Mindiola and the Department.
Indiana University Bloomington officially became a member of the GEM consortium! Click here for more on this. We would like to especially acknowledge the Chemistry Graduate Office, AGEP Director Dr. Yolanda Trevino, Dr Kenneth Miller of SABIC Innovative Plastics (our GEM sponsor) and Dr. Michael Edwards for work done by them and others to make this a reality.
Our chapter not only participated in the Eli Lilly – NOBCChE professional chapter of Indianapolis co-sponsored Biotech Conference in October 2008, Stella and Ruwan were both members of the college phase planning committee that helped organize the conference. Great job, guys! Looking forward to next year’s!

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This post was written by nobcche