Chapter Missions
Mission Statement
NOBCChE is committed to the discovery, transmittal, and application of knowledge in the fields of science and engineering. The mission of NOBCChE is therefore to build an eminent community of scientists and engineers by increasing the number of minorities in these fields. NOBCChE will achieve its mission through diverse programs designed to foster professional development and encourage students to pursue careers in science and technical fields. To this end, NOBCChE will establish educational partnerships with school districts, municipalities, businesses, industries, other institutions and organizations in the public and private sectors. (source: NOBCChE) Get involved by contributing to NOBCChE’s missions. There are currently five areas available for you to pitch in and do your part for your community & university.
1. K-12 Outreach
2. Media Advertisement
3. Professional Development
4. Social Planning
5. IU Outreach