
August 31, 2015 9:34 pm Published by Wow! We can’t believe it has almost been a full year already! We’ve been pretty busy this past year with science outreach, our annual symposium, mentoring students, and our New Science Cafe we started this year! With recap blogs coming soon and new ideas for next year brewin’, we want to first take out the time to show the faces of NOBCChE (some new and some old:)! This is the first time NOBCChE-IU has had over 10 members and we hope to keep our members inspired so that they continue to serve  until they graduate.

Meet the lineup!

Collection of photos of the NOBCChE Group Collection of photos of the NOBCChE Group
We are so thankful for their contributions so far and we look forward to what they will do next year! Follow us on FACEBOOK to learn more about our members!
This reminds me, we have had (2) graduate student members defend this year PLUS (2) student members who will serve as lecturer next semester and defend in Spring 2015! This was both exciting AND devasting news. Let me explain. We are excited that these students all graduate with their PhD in Chemistry BUT we miss them dearly already! We plan to blog about them later with an update about their exciting new careers-So stay tuned!

Thank you for checking us out! More & consistent blogs coming soon!


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This post was written by nobcche